Sol was a human Jedi Master who lived during the High Republic Era, a time marked by the Jedi Order's influence and prestige across the galaxy. Born before 148 BBY, he was brought to the Jedi Temple at the age of four, beginning his journey to becoming a respected figure within the Order. Standing 1.79 meters tall with black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin, Sol became known for his wisdom, compassion, and commitment to the Jedi Code.
Sol's career as a Jedi was distinguished by his service as both a mentor and investigator. During a pivotal mission in 148 BBY, Sol traveled to the planet Brendok alongside Jedi Master Indara, Kelnacca, and Padawan Torbin to investigate a coven of witches training children. Among the children, twin sisters Mae and Osha stood out. Osha expressed a desire to become a Jedi, while Mae, determined to remain with the coven, lied to stay. That night, a fire broke out, set by Mae in an attempt to kill Osha. Sol bravely rescued Osha but was unable to save Mae, who he believed perished with the coven. Sol brought Osha to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, where he became her mentor.
Under Sol's guidance, Osha trained for ten years but eventually decided to leave the Jedi Order, a decision that deeply affected her master. Following her departure, Sol took on another Padawan, Jecki Lon, and continued teaching younglings at the Jedi Temple. His dedication to nurturing the next generation of Jedi was a hallmark of his character.
In 132 BBY, Sol became embroiled in a series of tragic and complex events. After learning of Master Indara's murder, Sol discovered that Osha was implicated in the crime. His investigation led him to Carlac, where a crashed prison ship had left Osha stranded. As he pursued the truth, Sol uncovered evidence suggesting that Mae, presumed dead for years, had survived. Osha was exonerated of Indara's murder, and further investigation revealed Mae's involvement in a sinister plot.
Mae, now a shadowy adversary, had conspired with others to kill the Jedi who were present on Brendok when her sister joined the Order. With the help of Qimir, a merchant in an apothecary who supplied Mae with poison, she orchestrated the events leading to Master Torbin's death. Sol and his fellow Jedi confronted Mae, but she managed to escape, leaving her fate unresolved.
Throughout his life, Sol exemplified the ideals of the Jedi Order. He wore opulent white robes with golden trim, complemented by a brown cloak and a belt bearing the insignia of the Jedi Order. He carried a blue-bladed lightsaber, symbolizing his unwavering dedication to justice and peace.
Sol's story is a testament to the challenges and complexities of the High Republic Era. His unwavering commitment to his Padawans, pursuit of justice, and confrontation with personal loss made him a compelling character in the Disney+ series The Acolyte, where he was portrayed by Lee Jung-jae. His journey reflects the enduring struggle between light and darkness, both within the galaxy and the hearts of those sworn to protect it.